Write, Publish and Promote Your Book
Course summary
Self-publishing is booming and you will be amazed at the opportunities available to budding authors that simply weren’t possible through traditional publishing channels. If you have even an inkling of interest in this field, this course is highly recommended! This step by step course, presented by author, publishing and marketing consultant Julie Postance, will take you from initial concept right the way through to self-published paperback. Publishing your own book establishes you as an expert and can bring you career acceleration, money and opportunities beyond your wildest dreams. Bypass rejection letters from publishers, learn how to write, edit and get your book out there!
Course sessions
Publish Your Ebook
Course summary
The world of publishing has changed forever. Electronic books are selling in unprecedented numbers while E-readers are more readily available than ever before. Authors are suddenly presented with a myriad of options that doesn’t involve waiting years to be accepted by a mainstream publisher, but the big question is where to begin? This course, presented by author, publishing and marketing consultant Julie Postance, will discuss how you can get your book into the electronic publishing world for devices such as the Kindle, iPad and Kobo. You will learn about preparation, publishing and marketing strategies.
Course sessions