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    Why you should add a disclaimer to your book

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    Adding a disclaimer to the imprint page of your book clarifies your intent as an author, distinguishing your book between fiction and reality, and provides legal protection by limiting liability for potential issues.

    Please choose the disclaimer that most relates to your book

    Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

    (memoir or recent history)
    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    (novels, short stories)
    I have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity in some instances I have changed the names of individuals and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence.

    (memoir, autobiography)
    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

    (advice, how-to)
    This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

    (health, alternative healing)
    All care has been taken in the preparation of the information herein, but no responsibility can be accepted by the publisher or author for any damages resulting from the misinterpretation of this work. All contact details given in this book were current at the time of publication, but are subject to change. The advice given in this book is based on the experience of the individuals. Professionals should be consulted for individual problems. The author and publisher shall not be responsible for any person with regard to any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the information in this book.

    (advice, how-to, health)
    The information in this book is meant to supplement, not replace, proper (name your sport) training. Like any sport involving speed, equipment, balance and environmental factors, (this sport) poses some inherent risk. The authors and publisher advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the skills described in this book, be sure that your equipment is well maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training, and comfort level.

    (sports, training)
    This is a work of creative nonfiction. The events are portrayed to the best of the author’s memory. While all the stories in this book are true, some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of the people involved.

    (creative non-fiction)
    And if an author alters the narrative to make it more readable, those kinds of changes should also be noted in a disclaimer, as in these two examples:

    – Everything here is true, but it may not be entirely factual. In some cases I have compressed events; in others I have made two people into one. I have occasionally embroidered. I learned early that the most important thing in life is a good story. ~ Ruth Reichl, Tender at the Bone

    – For all the author’s bluster elsewhere, this is not, actually, a work of pure nonfiction. Many parts have been fictionalized in varying degrees, for various purposes. ~ Dave Eggers, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Eggers goes on to list in detail the areas that were fictionalized including dialogue, characters and their characteristics, locations and time.)

    Using Dave Eggers’ memoir again as an example, we see how he deals with such flaws in memory when he writes:

    – This is a work of fiction, only in that in many cases, the author could not remember the exact words said by certain people, and exact descriptions of certain things, so had to fill in gaps as best he could. Otherwise, all characters and incidents and dialogue are real, are not products of the author’s imagination, because at the time of this writing, the author had no imagination whatsoever for those sorts of things.

    Debbie Reynolds and Dorian Hannaway handle the issues of memory and retelling of dialogue in their disclaimer for Unsinkable:

    – The conversations in the book all come from the author’s recollections, though they are not written to represent word-for-word transcripts. Rather, the author has retold them in a way that evokes the feeling and meaning what was said and in all instances, the essence of the dialogue is accurate.

    On The Book Designer website, Joel Frielander gives examples of disclaimers (for different types of manuscripts) in this post. Here is his suggestion for memoir and autobiography:

    – I have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity in some instances I have changed the names of individuals and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence.

    – This book is a combination of facts about James Frey’s life and certain embellishments. Names, dates, places, events, and details have been changed, invented, and altered for literary effect. The reader should not consider this book anything other than a work of literature.

    – This book is memoir. It reflects the author’s present recollections of experiences over time. Some names and characteristics have been changed, some events have been compressed, and some dialogue has been recreated.

    – This is a work of nonfiction. No names have been changed, no characters invented, no events fabricated.

    About the author

    Julie Postance is a book publishing consultant and the Director of iinspire media. Since 2010, she has helped hundreds of writers become successful authors of high-quality books. She is passionate about the nuts and bolts of self-publishing and works one on one with clients to turn their manuscript into a top-quality book that is published across all book retailers globally. Julie has ghost-written six non-fiction books ranging from baby signing, health and fitness, dating and cosmology and is the author of Breaking the Sound Barriers. She has a postgraduate in Magazine Journalism from the London College of Journalism and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from The University of Melbourne. She lives in Melbourne, Australia and is the mother of twin boys.

    Contact Julie Postance

    Julie Postance
    Book publishing consultant
    iinspire media

    E: info @
    M: 0400 197 616
    T: @JuliePostance
    S: JuliePostance
    I: writepublishandpromoteyourbook